Craniosynostosis Surgery

Craniosynostosis Surgery

Cranial Vault Remodelling (CVR)

In this procedure the cranial bones are removed and reshaped in a single stage surgery and placed back allowing the brain to grow. A deformity which occurs due to craniosynostosis. It is commonly termed as Cranial Vault Reconstruction. This procedure also enhances the aesthetics of the skull to give a better appeal.

Single Suture Release

Single Suture Release in a procedure performed for Craniosynostosis in which a condition where 2 or more of the skull bones merges prematurely. It can also include a condition where multiple skull bones outside of the cranium are deformed. A surgery performed to alter the shape of the head to accommodate a proper growth of the brain.

Front Orbital Advancement

A surgical procedure performed to treat Craniosynostosis. Fronto-Orbital Advancement (FOA) is a procedure which expands and reshapes the inside of a skull, forehead and the eye socket which is also called as the “Orbit”.


Also known as Flat Head Syndrome. Where an infant develops a flat surface on one side or entire back portion of the head caused due to premature birth, womb positioning, Multiple Births, Torticollis and others…

An infant’s bone is soft and malleable. Even a slightest force when in the womb or in its day-to-day sleep routines can cause misshape.


Trigonocephaly also known as “Metopic Synostosis” or “Metopic Suture Craniosynostosis” a condition where the soft joints holding different plates of the skull which runs from top of the head to the nose close early as they grow forming a triangular or pointy shaped front skull.

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